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The 9x90 Show

Now playing in 36 countries across 14 platforms

Want to know why you’re experiencing slow or no growth?

Untitled design (12)

Every startup that I’ve worked with that’s had an amazing product but show SLOW or NO GROWTH  has been missing at least ONE item on this checklist.

Want a copy? Give me your email and I’ll send it over.

I only care to share this sacred list who trust me and eventually may want to work together.

If you don’t trust me enough to give me your email, then you don’t trust me enough to actually implement this checklist, so sharing it with you with would be a waste for both of us.

Shall I send it or not?

Learn how to complete the $10,000 website project

Learn how to complete the $8,000 email marketing project

Learn how to complete the $10,000 branding project

Whether you’re eager to jump right in or simply dipping your toes into the world of design, we’re here for you!

You can choose to avail the design suite  or specialized the web design course

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